Physics is often considered as most difficult subject to score in JEE exam. Its indeed difficult but if you change your approach to study it then it will improve your success in JEE exam dramatically. After spending many years, I am trying to distill my thoughts where it helped the students magically in learning Physics:

Step 1– Before studying Physics, start with with Maths basics first. Physics is in simple terms nothing but a mathematical model to explain the universe around us. All Physics derivations and JEE problems invariably needs a solid grasp of following Maths topics:

a) Geometry – study properties of a triangle from NCERT books for 9-10th std. Below are few examples to make a point: 

b) Triagnometry – A basic but strong revisit for properties of triangle helps greatly to solve Physics problems easily. Example:

c) Coordinate Geometry: See below example which is more of a Maths problem than Physics: 

d) Calculus – Its the backbone of Physics. Solid understanding of both differential and integral helps vastly in attempting JEE physics. Read below few examples: 

Note 2:  Focus on remembering units of physical properties. Often it helps a lot to solve MCQ kind of questions just by checking units of options. For example:

JEE2005: A block of mass M moving on a frictionless horizontal surface collides with a spring of spring constant K and compress it by length L.Maximum momentum of the block after collision is:

a) √(MK).L.        b) KL^2/M     c) ML^2/K.  d) zero

Solution: For a spring we have F = k x hence unit of K should be [F]/[x] or  (ML/T^2)X 1/L which is M/T^2. Now lets put this unit of K in the options a) so we have

=> √(M X M/T^2). L

=> ML/T = M. (L/T) = M.V so obviously a) is an answer!

Note 3:  It’s highly advisable that one should start with NCERT books starting 9 std onwards till 12th to revise the basics. After this next step is to move towards practicing problems from HC Verma and/or Resnic n Holiday. Last step is to solve past 10 years question papers with the intention of grasping various tricks and tools used for solving them. Best is to try to uncover the underlying patterns which are often repeatable. 

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